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General Links
- Dashboard:
- This will prompt you to log in if you have not already
Basic Info

- WordPress’s text editor a lot like Microsoft Word. You can type in it, make text bold or italic, center things, etc.
- You can add images or videos by clicking “Add Media”
- Select the “toolbar toggle” button to get more options for formatting
Basic Workflows

- From the dashboard: Portfolio –> Add New Project

- Required fields:
- Title
- Featured Image (rightmost column, all the way at the bottom)

- This is the main view of the project, and is what will be shown on the Portfolio index page.
- To set:
- Click “Set Featured Image”
- Select an image from the media library or:
- Click the Upload Files tab
- Either drag and drop a file, or use the “select files” dialogue.
- Once it is uploaded, select the image. It will have a checkmark in the corner.
- On the righthand side, you will see details about the image. Set alt text so that people with a screen reader can get a sense of your art (I think Jon can describe how to do this for you? If not, we can).
- Click “set featured image”
- To make the project live, click “Publish” on the right hand side.
- Optional fields:
- Description of the artwork
- Date created (click on the calendar to select a date)
- Etsy link (just cut and paste in)
- Price on Etsy
- Dimensions
- Additional views
- This is for maybe close-ups of a painting, or a different angle on a sculpture.
- Click “Add Media” in the toolbar right above the text area. This will open a dialogue to add or upload an image that is the same as for the featured image.
- In this case, in addition to writing alt text, you may want to write a caption so that people know what they are looking at (e.g. “upper left-hand-side detail” or “view from the side”).
- Tags
- This can be subjects (trees, abstract, etc.) or the fact that a work is commissioned, or anything else you feel might be good to be indexed.
- Series
- This is for if you do a series of paintings, etc. that are in a series, just so they can be linked together. This might even be useful if you are doing a drawing-a-day or something like that.
- Project Types
- This is basically the medium. You can add new project types as you need, but you will have to add them to the menu in order to see them on the portfolio page.
Posts and Pages

- Posts are dated entries that you will be using for your blog.
- Pages are non-dated entries that are more permanent–for instance, “About Me” or “Contact”
- You can either edit an existing post or page, or create a new one from the “Post” or “Page” tab of the sidebar menu.
- Editing or Creating a post or page:
- Required fields
- Title
- Main text
- Featured image (posts only, pages do not need one)
- Library
- Basics:
- This is where all your photos, videos, documents, etc. are stored.
- You can upload directly to this media library, or you can also add things from a post or page–anything you put in there using the “add media” dialogue will automatically be added here. In general, I would try to add things from posts and pages–for why, see “Attachment” below.
- Attachment:

- In WordPress, each piece of media (photo, video, etc.) is referred to as an “attachment” and can have an associated post or page that it is “attached” to. This is really useful for us because we want different views of the same painting to be “attached” to the same project, so that when you click on one of them in a post, it takes you to the correct project page.
- If you upload something directly to a post or page, it will be “attached” to that post or page. However, if you upload something to the media library and then insert it into the post or page, it will not be attached and you will have to do it manually.
- Also note that an item can only have one attachment, and it will default to what it is first uploaded through. You can always change this, using the same steps.
- Adding/Changing an image attachment:
- Go to Media –> Library
- You should se an “Uploaded to” column
- To attach an item that says “Unattached”
- Click Attach
- Select the post/page/project you want it linked to
- Click Select
- To unattach an item
- Click detach
- You can link it to a new post/page/project using the steps above